Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

Monthly Archives: June 2023

California Agricultural Heritage Club seeks nominations to honor pioneering farms and ranches more than 100 years old

The California Agricultural Heritage Club recognizes the impact of pioneering farms, farm bureaus and agribusinesses that have built California into a proud leader in agriculture and food production, celebrating milestones of 100, 125, 150, and 175 years of agribusiness. The … Continue reading

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June is Pride Month! Diversity, Equity, Inclusion – at CDFA, that’s our commitment

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$89 million fairgrounds resilience funding package highlighted today in Kings County

CDFA Deputy Secretary for Fairs Michael Flores (at podium) was at the kickoff event today for the Kings County Fair as it begins its four-day run in Hanford through June 18. Deputy Secretary Flores highlighted an $89 million slate of … Continue reading

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National Dairy Month — dairy foods a key part of healthy diet

In recognition of National Dairy Month (June), the Dairy Council of California has partnered with the San Francisco 49ers football club for an informative video about dairy’s important contributions to supporting nutrition security and healthy communities. California is the leading … Continue reading

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CDFA inspector discusses Produce Safety Rule on podcast

CDFA environmental scientist Sarah Standiford–of the agency’s Produce Safety Program–recently appeared on a podcast for MyAgLife about Produce Safety Rule inspections and what farmers can expect. Topics included why CDFA conducts food safety inspections, the steps of an inspection, how … Continue reading

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CDFA Undersecretary Christine Birdsong joins USDA and food producers on trade mission to Japan

CDFA Undersecretary Christine Birdsong was in Japan this week on a trade mission along with USDA Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor, representatives from 10 other state departments of agriculture, numerous farm organizations, and 40 agribusinesses … Continue reading

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Invasive Species Action Week — CDFA Border Inspection Stations on front line of prevention

A reminder that this is Invasive Species Action Week in California. CDFA works to prevent invasive species from threatening our environment and food supply in a number of important ways, including 16 Border Protection Stations positioned strategically around the perimeter … Continue reading

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Invasive Species Webinar: “Defending the Golden State”

Secretary Ross featured in webinar panel on invasive species and California’s collaborative efforts to reduce their impacts In recognition of Invasive Species Action Week (June 3-11), CDFA Secretary Karen Ross joined a stellar panel of invasive species experts in government, … Continue reading

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Secretary Ross meets with US Trade Representative’s chief agricultural negotiator

CDFA Secretary Karen Ross met today in Sacramento with the US Trade Representative’s chief agricultural negotiator, Doug McKalip. The discussion centered on international trade opportunities for California’s farmers and ranchers. California is the nation’s leading agricultural exporter, with more than … Continue reading

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Reminder — USDA hosting webinar tomorrow on LGBTQI+ mental health in agricultural communities

As part of Pride Month activities, the USDA is hosting a webinar tomorrow (June 6), LGBTQI+ Mental Health in Agricultural Communities. This session will focus on the experiences of LGBTQ+ identifying people in agricultural and farming communities across the country. The … Continue reading

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