Secretary Ross today at #CalAgDay, “Thank you not only to the farmers and ranchers, but also to all of the hands and hearts and minds that touch the food that comes to our table. “
- Secretary Ross with a swarm of FFA “blue jackets” at Ag Day, supporting the California Agriculture license plate program that helps fund ag education and leadership programs.
- California Women for Agriculture President Jeanette Lombardo (center) with California rodeo queens.
- CDFA Secretary Karen Ross with Ag Day emcee and Your Produce Man Michael Marks.
- CDFA Secretary Karen Ross says “Hello” to Imagine This contest winners, who wrote stories about agriculture as part of the annual competition hosted by the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom.
- Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Cathleen Galgiani and her colleague, Assembly Agriculture Committee Chair Bill Dodd (left) presented a resolution honoring Bob Fox (right), who wears many hats in the equine/rodeo/agricultural realm – including being a longtime supporter of Ag Day.
- Secretary Ross reminding the audience where California ranks in agriculture.
- Secretary Ross with the rodeo queens.
- Yes, that really is a tractor that makes ice cream.
- California Grown is a great frame of mind for Ag Day.
- Rodeo queens and charros, two Ag Day traditions.
- Customs and Border Protection’s inspector dogs got plenty of attention at Ag Day.
- Welcome to the State Cowpital!
- FFA students helped hand out flowers at the California State Floral Association booth.
- Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Cathleen Galgiani stops by the CDFA booth to talk about dairy digesters and efficient use of water on farms.
- Kids + tractors = magic
- Roping lessons from a real rodeo queen. That’s Ag Day, folks.
- The ever-popular alpaca pen.
- This beautiful display was part of the California State Fair booth.
- UC ANR’s Jeanette Warnert “passing it on.”