Welcome to Planting Seeds, CDFA’s new blog about food and farming! The people of CDFA are engaged in a wide variety of programs that help us protect the food supply and natural resources of California. We plan to use Planting Seeds to introduce you to as many staff members and programs as we can. We’ll also take every opportunity to highlight what is happening today in farming, and the farmers and ranchers who make California special, and we’ll share things that we think are interesting, informative and entertaining.
We hope you’ll mark Planting Seeds as a must-stop destination on the Internet, and we want to mention that there is a subscription option to deliver updates directly to your email box.
We also want to hear from you. What do you think of our posts, our agency and our programs? What ideas would you like to share? Planting Seeds is ultimately your blog, and we look forward to bringing it to you in the years ahead.
2 Responses to Secretary Ross, CDFA Unveil “Planting Seeds” Blog