Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

CDFA brings ‘Neat Science’ to State Capitol – videos and photos

State Scientist Day was yesterday, May 10, at the State Capitol, an annual event that includes a science fair for students from local schools. Scientists from CDFA’s Center for Analytical Chemistry participated with several fascinating demonstrations.

Students learn about sugar content in the favorite soft drinks

Students learned about sugar content in some of their favorite soft drinks











Many of CDFA's participating scientists wore this T-shirt.

Many of CDFA’s participating scientists wore this T-shirt.










Students pressed a hammer on a slab of dry ice to watch it steam and feel vibrations transmitted as the heat of the hammer changed the ice to gas.

Students pressed a hammer on a slab of dry ice to watch it steam and feel vibrations transmitted as the heat of the hammer changed the ice to gas.


The tent staffed by scientists at CDFA's Center for Analytic Chemistry

The tent staffed by scientists at CDFA’s Center for Analytic Chemistry


CDFA’s Center for Analytic Chemistry has been providing chemical analysis for the people of California since the mid 1920’s. It uses state of the art equipment and processes to test fruits, vegetables, nuts, animal feed, and milk to ensure that pesticide and chemical levels are within national and international standards.

Scientists from CDFA’s Division of Animal Health and Food Safety Services and the Division of Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services also participated in State Scientist Day.

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