Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

CDFA among participants at World Ag Expo next week

The 2018 World Ag Expo is scheduled for next week in Tulare (Feb 13-15), and several divisions at CDFA will be participating.

On Wednesday, February 14, deputy secretary Jenny Lester Moffitt will join a panel to discuss the 2018 federal Farm Bill alongside participants from the USDA, the University of California Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the California Farm Bureau Federation.

The next day, Feb 15, a CDFA veternarian, Dr. Rosie Busch, will lead a presentation on microbial use in livestock in the wake of a new law that went into effect on January 1.  The law requires that all antibiotics for use in livestock must be under veterinary direction. The law also requires a veterinarian’s prescription for the sale of all antibiotics, prohibits the use of antibiotics for growth promotion, and limits the circumstances in which antibiotics can be used for disease prevention.

The California Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Committee will staff a booth at the Ag Expo to provide information about the Asian citrus psyllid, huanglongbing and other issues important to the citrus industry. CDFA collaborates with citrus growers on the committee.

CDFA’s Inspection Services division will staff another booth to provide information about certified farmers’ markets, the State Organic Program, and the Food Safety and Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule.

Visit this page for more information about CDFA’s booths.

This will be the 51st annual World Ag Expo. Last year’s Expo hosted 105,780 attendees representing 43 states and 71 countries. This year there will be more than 1,500 exhibitors displaying cutting-edge agricultural technology and equipment across 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space.



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