USDA veterinarian Dr. Daniel Ahnen (standing) meets with bird owners and 4H members last night in Murrieta, Riverside County – part of ongoing outreach in the Virulent Newcastle Disease project in Southern California. Dr. Ahnen and Dr. P. Ryan Clarke, also of the USDA, provided an overview of the program as well as key biosecurity tips to prevent spread of the disease. More information here.
Virulent Newcastle Disease has been detected in San Bernardino, Riverside and Los Angeles counties. The disease has been found at a total of 74 properties – all residential. It has not been detected at commercial poultry operations. In this video, USDA veterinarian Dr. P. Ryan Clarke discusses the current incident along with a review of the disease outbreak in 2002-2003 in California.
This slide informed bird owners of the status of the current outbreak.