CDFA’s project director for the CalCannabis IT project, Chris Cox, accepting the agency’s shared Best of California award for IT work on the cannabis project.
The Center for Digital Government held its annual Best of California Awards ceremony yesterday as part of the California Digital Government Summit in Sacramento. CDFA was recognized as one of four departments for Best IT Collaboration Among Organizations for its work on the Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). The other recipients were: California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Cannabis Control (DCA/BCC), the Department of Public Health (DPH), and the Department of Technology (CDT).
The IT projects to implement the multiple solutions necessary to comply with MAUCRSA required extensive collaboration between CDFA, DCA/BCC, and DPH in order to share licensing data, and to utilize a single solution developed by CDFA to track and trace cannabis products from plants to points of sale. CDT assisted the collaboration effort by facilitating meetings and helping to mitigate barriers so that solutions could be implemented within a 12-month period.
Receiving the award on behalf of CDFA was the CalCannabis IT Project Director Chris Cox. It was presented to him by the State Chief Information Officer, Amy Tong.