Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

Huge Almond Crop Projected

From the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, California office:

The initial subjective forecast for the 2012 California almond production is 2.00 billion pounds. This is 1.5 percent below last year’s record production of 2.03 billion pounds. Yield, forecasted at 2,560 lbs/acre, is down 4 percent from 2011’s record of 2,670 lbs/acre. Forecasted bearing acreage for 2012 is 780 thousand. This forecast is based on a telephone survey conducted April 19 – May 1 from a sample of almond growers. Of the 458 growers sampled, 283 reported. Acreage from these reports accounted for 27 percent of the total bearing acreage.

The 2012 almond crop is shaping up nicely. February was warm and dry across the State, creating favorable bloom conditions for almond trees. While the bloom period was shorter than last year, the excellent weather made up for the shorter overlap and bloom load was high. Chilling hours were plentiful. An early March frost resulted in some spotty damage in southern San Joaquin Valley and an early April hailstorm affected orchards in Merced County. Weather in the Sacramento Valley has been near ideal. A heavier than normal drop was reported in the San Joaquin Valley. Low disease and insect pressure were reported.

Results of the subjective survey are based on opinions obtained from growers. The sample of growers changes from year to year and is grouped by size of operation, so all growers will be represented. Each selected grower is asked to indicate their almond yield per acre from last year and expected yield for the current year.

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