CDFA Secretary Karen Ross with Mr. Raúl Urteaga Trani, General Coordinator of International Affairs at SAGARPA
It speaks volumes that during our meetings in Mexico, the notion of “ganar-ganar,” or a “win-win” relationship was mentioned more than once. Our discussions have focused not only on building stronger trade relationships between our two markets, but in also in capitalizing on the shared resources of our people, climate and economy. A strong and growing Mexican market is a win for California and a win for Mexico.
In our meeting with Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) we discussed the great opportunities for cooperation between our two markets that can have long lasting benefits for both of our economies. Working collaboratively to solve cross-border trade delays that impact businesses on both sides of the border is an issue that can be resolved. Further, we wish to explore opportunities that jointly leverage our resources and production capacity.
We can no longer consider a California/Mexico divide. We need to see how cooperation can benefit us both in the long-run. I’ve committed to SAGARPA that within the next 60 days we will have progress in moving forward with a collaborative relationship that involves the public and business sectors finding solutions to cross-border issues that benefit both markets and producers.
Following our meetings with SAGARPA we had the pleasure of meeting with Walmart Mexico and Central America. The company also stressed cooperation and a “win-win” relationship that California and Mexico can share.
In celebrating the successes of the 20th Anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), we should also celebrate the ongoing trade benefits of this relationship. Demonstrating this success, Walmart shared that their imports of U.S. produce has increased more than 10 percent each year for the last three years. This underscores that Mexico’s economy is growing and California is benefiting.
I look forward to furthering our trade relationship and cooperation with Mexico. It can be a “win-win” relationship like no other.
Secretary Ross is in Mexico City as part of the Governor Brown’s Trade Mission. During the trip, Secretary Ross is meeting with government and business leaders to build trade relationships as well as to develop stronger economic cooperation between California and Mexico.