Secretary Ross (center) with members of a Vietnamese agriculture delegation. Also representing CDFA were Dr. Amrith Gunasekara (second from left), of the Office of Environmental Farming Initiatives, and Natalie Krout (third from left), director of Inspection Services.
A great meeting late Friday with Vietnam Vice Minister Tran Thanh Nam and his delegation. They were in California for farm visits, time with UC Davis and to continue discussions on climate smart agriculture that began during my visit to Vietnam in April. Vietnam is also suffering from a drought and the group was very impressed with our on-farm water efficient drop and sub-surface micro-drip technologies. We both agreed it would be spectacular to be able to foster farmer-to-farmer exchanges!
I am looking forward to opportunities for continued collaboration and know we can build a great friendship based on mutual interests in serving farmers. I am so fortunate to have these opportunities to meet with leaders from so many countries.
The photo was taken at Stanford Mansion, which is the official state venue for hosting visiting delegations. It is a beautiful and impressive venue to showcase California history!