Entrance to the Yuba-Sutter Fair evacuation center.
California’s network of fairs are fulfilling a crucial role as evacuation centers for people and animals and as a staging area for fire crews. The following fairgrounds have operations occurring as part of overall response efforts.
Butte County Fair (Gridley, CA) – currently serving as an evacuation center and animal shelter. Approximately 300 individuals and 700 animals currently in residence. North Valley Animal Disaster Group is facilitating the animal shelter operation and has a directory of online images for lost animals to reconnect pets with their families.
Silver Dollar Fair (Chico, CA) – approximately 6,500 emergency personnel on site, serving as a fire camp and staging ground.
Yuba-Sutter Fair (Yuba City, CA) – currently serving as an evacuation center and animal shelter. More than 140 individuals and 60 animals currently in residence.
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, CA) – current serving as an animal shelter with more than 75 animals (primarily horses) in residence.
Glenn County Fair (Orland, CA) – current serving as a evacuation center and animal shelter. Approximately 70 individuals and 30 animals currently in residence.
For further information and assistance resources for the November Wildfires – California Wildfires Statewide Recovery Resources