The California Department of Food & Agriculture’s Division of Fairs and Expositions is proud to feature a California Fairs Exhibit at the California State Capitol March 30th-April 3rd. The exhibit features information on the network of California Fairs and 2015 fair dates.
The network of California fairs consists of 52 active District Agriculture Associations (state entities), 22 County fairs (county operated or sponsored non-profit organizations), two citrus fruit fairs established to promote the citrus industry, and the California State Fair & Exposition.
The common purpose of California’s network of fairs is to provide agricultural education to fair attendees, as well as showcase and exhibit the state’s industries and products. Fair events are continuous throughout much of the the year. The schedule began the second week in February with the Cloverdale and Indio fairs and will end with the Grand National Rodeo in Daly City during the first week of November.
California fairs also host events throughout the year, such as home shows, dog shows, and rodeos! California fairs are community-based so community groups and private entities can utilize the fairgrounds and facilities. Fairgrounds also serve as emergency staging and evacuation areas for the public, their animals, and state agencies such as CAL FIRE.
When is your fair? See the following link for fair dates and additional information.
Please enjoy the bounty that California fairs offer and stop-by the California Fairs exhibit at the State Capitol March 30th-April 3rd!