Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

Category Archives: Trade

Looking Back at the China Trade and Investment Mission

As CDFA Secretary Karen Ross and the entire California delegation return from the China Trade and Investment Mission, we thought we’d take a look back at the stops they made along the way to promote trade and forge new relationships. California’s … Continue reading

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Shanghai – an Excellent Market for California Agriculture

Our trade mission through China with Governor Brown continues with a stop in the exciting city of Shanghai – home of more than 23 million people and one of the largest cities in the world. It is the commercial and … Continue reading

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California and China: Growing Together

As we leave Beijing for Shanghai on China’s high speed rail, traveling at approximately at 180mph through vibrant countryside, it’s exciting to envision California’s future. Governor Brown is embracing that future with an agreement with six local Chinese governments to … Continue reading

Posted in AG Vision, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Marketing, Trade, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

China Welcomes California!

Pleasant weather and clear skies welcomed Governor Brown’s delegation to Beijing – the first stop on our three-city tour of this dynamic country. As part of the trade delegation, I am here to promote California as a place for business … Continue reading

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Governor Brown Visits CDFA

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. stopped by this week at the monthly meeting of the California State Board of Agriculture, at CDFA headquarters. The board is comprised of gubernatorial appointees. The governor pointed out that he last attended a state board meeting during his first time … Continue reading

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Research and coexistence essential to embrace opportunities of the future

The future outlook for agriculture is bright.  Food production will have to roughly double by 2050 in order to meet population projections.  And if we look where much of that growth is expected to occur–Asia–we know that California farmers and ranchers will have … Continue reading

Posted in Agricultural Education, Climate Change, Invasive Species, Trade | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Providing Export Opportunities for California Small Business

This November, foreign buyers from across Asia will travel to Oakland to participate in the ‘Taste of California’,  a mini-trade show and conference  that will highlight the best food products California has to offer. This two-day event will combine business meetings with … Continue reading

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Thoughts on a Successful Trip and the Endless Opportunities for California Exporters

Our California trade delegation concluded our trip to Asia last week with a visit to Seoul, South Korea – the Land of the Morning Calm. This is an English translation of the meaning of Josean, a long reigning dynasty in … Continue reading

Posted in Agricultural Marketing, Trade | 3 Comments

California Food in China – A Reputation for Safety and Quality

In the many meetings I’ve attended in Shanghai this week, one theme resonates over and over again – the excellent quality and food safety provided by California farmers and ranchers. California products have a strong reputation, which has helped generate more than … Continue reading

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Of Canadian geese, worker training and record-keeping – building a culture of food safety on the farm

Last week, a group of Canadian food writers and bloggers, accompanied by staff of the California Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement (LGMA), toured two leafy greens fields and a processing facility in the Salinas area. The group was there … Continue reading

Posted in AG Vision, Agricultural Education, Food Safety, Specialty Crops, Trade, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 2 Comments