Planting Seeds - Food & Farming News from CDFA

Monthly Archives: April 2017

CDFA to host FundMatch webinar on April 25th for California food businesses – learn, connect and compete in export markets

The California Department of Food and Agriculture, in coordination with the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA) will be holding a webinar on federal market development programs designed to assist California companies in expanding export sales. The webinar will … Continue reading

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Secretary Ross at dairy digester unveiling in Kings County


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Photos: California drought, then and now – from the San Jose Mercury News

California Gov. Jerry Brown has declared an end to the state’s water emergency following a five-year drought, thanks to a historically wet winter. Getty Images photographer Justin Sullivan recently revisited areas of California he photographed at the height of the … Continue reading

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Orange County citrus trees threatened by citrus pest and disease – from the Orange County Register

CDFA is observing Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month throughout April. The USDA, CDFA and organizations across the agricultural spectrum are reminding the public about the risks that invasive plant pests, diseases and harmful weeds pose to America’s crops and forests—and how … Continue reading

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Bats, allies to farmers, return home to roost in spring

From the University of California’s Division of Agriuclture and Natural Resources (ANR): Bats, those night-flying creatures of horror film fame, are beginning to migrate back to the Central Valley. It is an annual journey for most bats, flying south for the … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) | Leave a comment

Video: Protecting by Collecting – CDFA’s collections of pests, weeds, other organisms help protect our food supply

This video is part of CDFA’s observance of Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month throughout April. USDA, CDFA and organizations across the agricultural spectrum are reminding the public about the risks that invasive plant pests, diseases and harmful weeds pose to America’s crops and … Continue reading

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CDFA introduces industrial hemp FAQs

The California Industrial Hemp Farming Act became effective on January 1, 2017. CDFA is developing a program to administer this new law. The first step of this process is to establish an Industrial Hemp Advisory Board. With assistance from the board, … Continue reading

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A Farm Bill for our planet

CDFA is in the midst of preparing California’s recommendations for the 2018 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill is renewed every five years and serves as the policy guideline for food and farming in the United States. The legislation touches all … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Farm Bill, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

CDFA Career Fair attracts 100+ job seekers, from students to scientists

CDFA held its second annual career fair at its Gateway Oaks offices in Sacramento on April 7, 2017. Job openings cover the full spectrum of programs at CDFA, including plant and animal health; dairy food safety; weights and measures; alternative fuels; information … Continue reading

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CARB opens grant solicitation for Off-Road Mobile Agricultural Equipment Trade-Up Pilot Project in the San Joaquin Valley

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is pleased to announce its Grant Solicitation for the Off-Road Mobile Agricultural Equipment Trade-Up Pilot Project in the San Joaquin Valley (Trade-Up Pilot Project). The solicitation includes the option for a new Grant Agreement … Continue reading

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